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Gan Hashlosha – Sachne National Park

Updated: May 5, 2020

Location: Beit Shean

Phone: 04-6586219


Recommended by:

Hadassah Levy
If you don’t want to risk getting stung by jellyfish, the Sachne is a great alternative to the beach. Shallow and deep pools, waterfalls and picnic areas for barbecuing. Half price if you have a national parks membership.


Gan HaShlosha – The Sachne, resides at the foot of the Gilboa and it is considered one of the most beautiful and toured vacation and recreation sites in Israel. Its beauty has even gained international recognition when the Time Magazine crowned it as one of the 20 most beautiful parks in the world.

Gan HaShlosha National Park, also known by its Arabic name Sachne, is a national park in Israel. Located between kibbutzim Beit Alfa and Nir David, it has naturally warm water where visitors can swim all year.

Reduced price for Matmon - Israel National Park cardholders


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